Album | Country | Award | Type | Sales |
Ring Ring | Australia | Gold x 3 | Revenue | |
Waterloo | Australia | Gold x 2 | Revenue | |
Waterloo | Finland | Gold | Sales | 25,000 |
Waterloo | Germany | Platinum | Sales | 500,000 |
Waterloo | United Kingdom | Silver | Revenue | |
ABBA | Australia | Gold x11 | Revenue | |
ABBA | Denmark | Gold | Sales | 40,000 |
ABBA | Finland | Gold | Sales | 50,000 |
ABBA | United Kingdom | Gold | Revenue | |
Arrival | Australia | Gold x21 | Revenue | |
Arrival | Canada | Platinum x2 | Sales | 200,000 |
Arrival | Denmark | Platinum | Sales | 80,000 |
Arrival | Finalnd | Platinum | Sales | 50,000 |
Arrival | Germany | Platinum x2 | Sales | 1,000,000 |
Arrival | Hong Kong | Gold | Sales | 10,000 |
Arrival | Netherlands | Gold | Sales | 100,000 |
Arrival | New Zealand | Platinum x10 | Sales | 150,000 |
Arrival | United Kingdom | Platinum | Revenue | |
Arrival | United States | Gold | Sales | 500,000 |
The Album | Canada | Platinum x2 | Sales | 200,000 |
The Album | Finland | Gold | Sales | 25,000 |
The Album | Germany | Platinum | Sales | 500,000 |
The Album | Hong Kong | Platinum | Sales | 1,000,000 |
The Album | Netherlands | Platinum | Sales | 100,000 |
The Album | New Zealand | Platinum x4 | Sales | 60,000 |
The Album | United Kingdom | Platinum | Revenue | |
The Album | United States of America | Platinum | Sales | 1,000,000 |
Voulez Vous | Belgium | Platinum | Sales | 50,000 |
Voulez Vous | Canada | Platinum x2 | Sales | 200,000 |
Voulez Vous | Denmark | Platinum | Sales | 80,000 |
Voulez Vous | Finland | Platinum | Sales | 50,000 |
Voulez Vous | Germany | Platinum | Sales | 500,000 |
Voulez Vous | Hong Kong | Gold | Sales | 25,000 |
Voulex Vous | Netherlands | Platinum | Sales | 100,000 |
Voulex Vous | New Zealand | Platinum | Sales | 15,000 |
Voulez Vous | Portugal | Platinum | Sales | 60,000 |
Voulez Vous | Spain | Gold | Sales | 50,000 |
Voulez Vous | United Kingdom | Platinum | Sales | 300,000* |
Voulez Vous | United States of America | Gold | Sales | 500,000 |
Super Trouper | Denmark | Gold | Sales | 40,000 |
Super Trouper | Finland | Platinum | Sales | 50,000 |
Super Trouper | Germany | Platinum x2 | Sales | 1,000,000 |
Super Trouper | Hong Kong | Gold | Sales | 10,000 |
Super Trouper | Portugal | Platinum | Sales | 60,000 |
Super Trouper | Spain | Platinum | Sales | 100,000 |
Super Trouper | United kingdom | Platinum | sales | 300,000* |
Super Trouper | United States of America | Gold | Sales | 500,000 |
The Visitors | Denmark | Gold | Sales | 40,000 |
The Visitors | Finland | Platinum | Sales | 50,000 |
The Visitors | Germany | Platinum | Sales | 500,000 |
The Visitors | Hong Kong | Gold | Sales | 10,000 |
The Visitors | Portugal | Platinum | Sales | 60,000 |
The Visitors | Spain | Gold | Sales | 50,000 |
The Visitors | United Kingdom | Platinum | Sales | 300,000* |
For Voyage see Voyage link
* UK studio albums not awarded multi-platinum awards at time. Arrival has sold 1,700,000 and The Album and Super Trouper over 1,000,000. It was not until 1979 that UK awards were for copies sold not value, so Voulez Vous first album to be awarded on basis of sales.
^ Danish figures for more recent years.